International Freephone or Toll Free:

If you’re looking for international Freephone or toll free numbers you have come to the right place.  Not only do we provide Freephone numbers from virtually every county in the world we have added features & benefits that other telecoms companies can only dream of.

Each of our Freephone numbers comes with:

Full Web based reporting
Hugely important for DRTV management.

Full Web Access
Routing Changes, Time of Day Routing Changes, Welcome Messages  & Queue Marketing Messages. 

Disaster Recovery (DR)
Prepare and Store Disaster Recovery Routing Plans, which can be  activated is seconds.

iPhone Control App
This is where Creative Telecoms shows the competition the Door.   From your phone handset you can control:

 - Disaster Recovery.

 - Live Reporting Essential for Media Spend, Ad & Call Centre Performance.

 - Record & Update Welcome & Queue Messages.   


Creative Telecoms can supply a single Freephone number for one country right though to hundreds of numbers based in a number of countries

5"Norgren advertises its products worldwide. As marketers we needed a way of measuring the response to the locally based Freephone numbers placed in our worldwide advertisements, and determining the source of the phone call. Creative Telecoms had the perfect solution, the Freephone number supplied were recognisable to the local audience whether in Spain, France, Austria, Italy, Portugal or Ireland and all of the numbers run via the UK based Creative Telecoms platform which gives us unprecedented reports of call activity."



The cost of each number depends on the country of origin & the volume of minutes across the number each month.  E.G. The higher the volume of minutes the lower the costs.

You will also find that not only do Creative Telecoms offer that largest amount of Features & benefits; we also offer fantastic value for money.  At Creative Telecoms we have over 20 years of experience in delivering international call traffic and working with businesses that utilise international Freephone for advertising campaigns, help lines, etc.



Sample costs:

  Set Up Rental
USA* £25.00 £7.50
France* £25.00 £7.50
Germany* £25.00 £7.50
Spain* £25.00 £7.50
Italy* £25.00 £7.50


Why can’t I buy these services directly off your web site?

We would always encourage potential customers to give us a call or email, this is because the majority of customers have different needs from their telecoms arrangements & we always want to make sure we understand your needs & that we can deliver exactly what you needs which isn’t always available directly from the web site.  *Prices start from

Please don’t worry about high pressure sales techniques when you call as there won’t be any,  when you speak to Creative Telecoms all you get is old fashioned customer service & quality advice.

We look forward to hearing from you in the near future, please click here or call UK 08700 019 1117 or from overseas +44 207 129 8880