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Companies starting with S

SMS & MMS Messaging

Communicate quickly, efficiently, directly and at low cost, with your potential and current customers.  SMS bulk text messaging from Creative Telecoms makes keeping in touch with potential clients simple, easy, & cost effective.

Small Business Telecoms

Everything a Small Business needs to get up & running,with the added advantage of  future proofing your business with flexable, expandable Creative Telecoms Soloutions for your business

Survey IVR

IVR is a call distribution service that helps your customers locate the right department or people in your business regarding their call.

A classic example: Press 1 for sales, 2 for support, 3 for accounts. We build IVR systems from the very simplest single levels with limited options to the complex multi levelled interactive IVR’s & booking systems. Please ask for a Demo IVR of your service, so we can show you what we are capable of.